About me

My name is Dragos Ristache and I’m currently a PhD student at Boston University. I am grateful to be advised by Krzysztof Onak. I did my undergraduate at University of Southampton, then did a masters at Cornell University and worked in industry for a few years before returning to pursue my PhD.

I am broadly interested in theoretical computer science, with a focus on graphs and sublinear algorithms.


May 2024: Our paper “Wiser than the wisest of crowds: The Asch effect and polarization revisited.” With Fabian Spaeh and Charalampos Tsourakakis was accepted at ECML-PKDD 2024.

August 2023: Will present a poster at WOLA 2023 about Testing Connectedness of Images.

July 2023: Our paper Testing “Connectedness of Images” with Piotr Berman, Meiram Murzabulatov and Sofya Raskhodnikova was accepted at RANDOM 2023.

June 2023: Attended Workshop on Modern Techniques in Graph Algorithms at DIMACS.